Friday, December 11, 2020

Brassarts Visit

Still going back in time and playing catch-up.

My mom arrived in Durham the evening that Brad, Hallie, and I got home from the hospital. Given that I have my babies via c-section, it really is pretty necessary to have help for Brad when we get home, so we were very grateful she was able to get to us so quickly. We needed help after Claire was born, when we had no other children, and I was recovering from a c-section. We now have three older children in the mix, so you can imagine the situation we had on our hands (although, I'm much more experienced at how to handle post-caesarean recovery).

Brynnie's face here kills me.

Nana's first full Sunday in Durham was also her birthday! We made sure to get some good #sistersshotsonsundays pictures.

My dad and Amiee arrived about a week after Mom...because Amiee also had a surgery to deal with. The girls were just a *little* excited to see them:

We make good use of all of the Amazon boxes that come our way...

Brynnie didn't have a sign to hold, so I gave her a napkin to wave around, which she did with gusto.

She made a beeline for Poppy.

Brynnie is VERY TAKEN with my dad.

Another round of #sistersshotsonsundays: special edition

Amiee is the Queen of selfies with the girls.

Brad and the girls took my dad to the museum (they had to schedule their visit, stay outside, and wear masks the whole time):

The dinos wore masks, too.

And the bears came out for a chat!

My dad and Claire worked on her Kiwi crate activities that were medically-themed:

They helped with school, made meals, provided treats, hosted pajama parties, hosted a birthday/welcome party for Hallie, and generally kept the girls as happy as clams. We were sad to see them go (and had a lot more hustlin' to do, too!), but we were so happy that they could come!

A few more Sunday shots

And some goodbye shots:

And yes, their shirts say "I Love My Nana"

Some Brassart girls

Thank you for all of your time and your help! We are so grateful.

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