Wednesday, December 2, 2020

August Boswell Visit

Near the end of August, Brad's brother and sister-in-law, Tim and Jenna, made the trek from Minnesota to the southeast for a little visit. Jenna had not yet been able to visit east Tennessee, so that was exciting. At the end of their visit, they and Bill and Barbara drove over to Durham for a short visit.  

Horsin' around with Daddy and Uncle Tim

Brad took the opportunity to try out another recipe from his Father's Day gift and chose to try out the recipe for ribs. They were SO GOOD! He roped Tim into helping, and they became semi-experts on the science behind rib grilling.

Brad made the most delicious ribs! And introduced Tim to Meathead.

I'm not sure anyone loves ribs quite like Lily does.

Barbara, very wisely, took the opportunity to get a picture of her sons and their pregnant wives (this will probably never happen again). What none of us knew was that, within 48 hours, Hallie would be with us!

Also. Please try not to compare Jenna's adorable pregnancy look with mine...I was just hanging on, trying to limp across that finish line with Baby #4.

Added in the little monkeys.

Tim and Lily can never be trusted in pictures...

Finally got a normal one!

We were really thankful for the opportunity to see family that we very rarely get to see in person, pandemic or no pandemic. Thanks for the visit, guys!

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Boswell beach trip 2022: part 1

Just another friendly reminder that I'm still playing catch-up. Clearly, it is not currently July... We made another annual trip to Tops...