Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Brynnie chats: June 2022 edition

That doesn't make my heart broken- it makes my heart TOGETHER!!

Sometimes, Brynnies don't stay in the lines.
While coloring

Boys don't have eyelashes.
She thinks they don't have eyelashes because they aren't curled with mascara.

I knowed which way it goed.

Erin: Will you come give me a kiss?
Brynna: I would LOVE to do that!!

Brynna, when Hallie smiled at her after waking up in her car seat
Hallie happied at me!

War is a kind of bad guy fight.

Following/driving behind Nana and Poppy
Daddy! After them!

My tongue is cold. Wanna touch it??

Nana: You're my granddaughter.
Brynna: Yes, I'm grand because I love to wear dresses. And that's why I don't like to wear pants.

When she gets 3, she can do it because she's a human.
Talking about Hallie and when Hallie can learn to crochet

I don't like green because I don't like cucumbers.

Hallie is quick-i-ling.

Bankley told me bye on my phone.
Bankley is her lovey blanket.

Bankley is trying to make me jump. But I don't want to. But she doesn't want me playing without her.

Pastor: Did any of you grow up with an anxious mother?
Brynna: I throwed up!!
She misheard "grow up" as "throw up."

Stretches arms/hands behind back while doing her scratch pad
So you don't get your hands sore.

Pastor: The God of peace with be with--
Brynn: YOU!

I have a bleed.
Scraped her knee

We're in Clarabelle!
We drove through Elizabethton, TN, which Brynn thought was called Clarabelle.

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