Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hunger Games

I never followed up with my thoughts on The Hunger Games, but I did, in fact finish the series. Anyone else? Did anyone else see the movie? We went to see the midnight showing the night it came out. (insert sheepish face here) Any thoughts?

Brad and a professor friend of ours and his wife have been having a email back-and-forth on many of our thoughts. Our professor friend has also been really good at scouting out articles and blog posts with lots of interesting thoughts. If you haven't read the books, some of these links contain minor spoilers, but if you have read the books, I'd love to know any thoughts y'all are having. Here are a few links for you: here, here, here, and here.

Not kidding about hearing your thoughts. These books have left me with a lot of issues to wrestle with. It sort of reminds me of the time that I ended up writing about Harry Potter for my senior thesis...

1 comment:

Kat said...

Ooh! I completely agree with the "Blue State ending to a Red State story" blog, as you know I found the ending thoroughly unacceptable!

Boswell beach trip 2022: part 1

Just another friendly reminder that I'm still playing catch-up. Clearly, it is not currently July... We made another annual trip to Tops...