Tuesday, January 26, 2021

October 2020: a recap

October was The Month in Which We Attempted a Return to Normal Life.

We made semi-frequent use of the nearby state park as an outlet for all the energy we have at our house, as well as an opportunity to observe our botany studies in real life:

We also enjoyed walking around our neighborhood again:

Because it was finally not hot but not yet cold, we set up our little tent on the back porch one Friday night for the girls to "camp out" (eat supper and watch a movie) before coming in the house for actual sleep:

We painted our pumpkins (and frolicked a bit):

We introduced the girls to How to Train Your Dragon and all watched it on our very normally-sized couch:

What a crew

As part of a math lesson, we made pie crusts together, and I was EXHAUSTED afterward:

But they had a ball

One of our friends from church came over to chat with the girls:

We continued to receive incredibly thoughtful baby gifts from friends and neighbors:

I cried a little when I received each of these

Brad and I early voted (thank goodness that is an option!):

The colors and design of this sticker are from our city's crest, and Durham is "the Bull City," which is why this is funny.

There was so much hanging with Hallie:

Lots of family hangs, in general:

Brynn's eyes...

I often felt like I was letting everything slip through the cracks of life, what with an infant and homeschooling and trying to manage a newly-four-personed house, but we came out mostly unscathed and mostly wearing clean clothes.

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