Thursday, November 15, 2012

I definitely got called out.

While Karen was here, she, Karl, and I went to lunch one day at Wagamama. I learned from Karen that Wagamama is an international restaurant (seriously, I checked out the website and found it all over the world), but the only USA locations are right here in our very own Boston. On top of that, we had planned to hang out in Harvard Square/Cambridge, and there was a Wagamama right there. 

For any of you that didn't follow the link at the top, Wagamama is a Asian-fusion-type restaurant. Not really like P.F. Changs, but definitely not strictly a Chinese or Japanese or Thai restaurant.

Anyway, we went to Wagamama, and while I'm usually a fairly adventurous eater, I've tamed my ways while pregnant...I've just had too much of being sick to risk tempting my ornery system with foods that it isn't already used to. To play it safe, I ordered a fairly basic stir fry (rice, egg, random veggies, know. Basics.). It was served in a big bowl with a little tiny bowl of miso soup. At the same time, Karl ordered a lettuce wrap appetizer that came with little bread-type plates for us to share.

I was enjoying my stir fry until I spotted it. My stomach turned, and I felt my gag reflexes kicking into gear. It was a shrimp. Gag. Swallow. Gag. I wrote about my extreme shrimp aversion a while back; I even wrote- nay, bared my soul- about how I couldn't even watch Olympic divers because they looked like shrimp while diving. This pregnancy has caused me to 100% loathe shrimp in flavor and appearance. Writing about it is making me queasy...

However, I was out in public and had to be a big girl. I knew there was no way I could keep eating with that shrimp still in my, I surreptitiously removed the enemy, put him on a bread plate from Karl's appetizer, and used my empty miso bowl (turned upside down) to cover him up. Totally workable solution.

Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one. I had to fish out (no pun intended...ok, maybe a little) those little horrors and hide them with their buddy under the bowl. Due to this little operation, I was able to finish my lunch without getting sick. I had even kind of forgotten about them as lunch progressed.

That was until the waitress came to bring the check and start busing the table. She reached for my exiled bread plate and turned the miso bowl over in order to stack things more easily. Obviously, she spotted my shrimp. She looked at me, then kind of giggled and asked, "Um, were you hiding the shrimp?"

Sheepish face. "Um, well, yeah, actually..."

Waitress: "WHY??"

Me: "Well, I-know-it's-weird-but-I'm-pregnant-and-shrimp-makes-me-gag-now-and-I-can't-even-look-at-it?" (I said, all in one breath.)

Waitress: (laughs more...doubled over) "Well, ok then. Have a good afternoon."

Karl: "Erin, you just got called out."

Yes. Yes, I did. Drat you, you little sea creatures.

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