Friday, May 22, 2020

Smithsonian National Museum of American History

We decided to make the American History museum our big outing of Saturday. AND, we were able to meet up with our friends, the Crawfords. I think this is-overall-my favorite museum. There are so many exhibits that are just a lot of fun + there are lots of things to keep the littles entertained and occupied. I just really enjoy visiting this one. 

The weather was kind of gross, though.

Claire is our Boston baby and by default, a Red Sox fan.

Years ago, Amanda gave the girls a children's book about the First Ladies that we spent a few weeks reading through during snack time. The girls loved it! They would flip through it on their own from time to time and really enjoyed learning little personal facts about the First Ladies. So, they were particularly interested in seeing this exhibit:

Preserved Inaugural Ball dresses

Pointing to a few favorites

This one was a little less exciting because, well, there weren't any ball gowns:

But we did get to see Amy Carter's doll house, so that was redeeming.

Hanging with our presidential Crawford friends.

Trying my hand at...I want to say...Ronald Reagan's speech about the Berlin Wall.

Lily really can't be bothered to read whatever it is that the speechwriters drafted.

Hanging outside the kids' area downstairs.

We visited a bunch of other exhibits this particular day, but I didn't manage to get pictures. And then, everyone was DONE and HUNGRY and we needed to get sustenance pronto.

So we walked a few blocks and got ourselves some Shake Shack.

Um, she WASN'T tired.
But oh my WORD. How sweet is this??

That evening, the girls got a huge surprise when Ray Ray showed up! She decided to come hang out with us for about 24-hours, and the girls were thrilled. She also brought them Toy Story 4, which was probably the highlight of all the highlights.

Movie night!

Sunday shots featuring Ray Ray

And some general posing

Off on a walk around the neighborhood to find...

Ice cream!

Lily was happier than she looks here. Promise.

Such a fun and FULL visit with Gran and Grandpa! We're so glad they made the time to come see us and enjoy the District with us. Standby for part 2: Boswells in the District for Thanksgiving!

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