Saturday, April 3, 2021

Brassart Christmas 2020

We were back in Durham for Christmas day, and the Brassarts all joined us, coming in from Alabama and Boone! Mom and Dad drove through TERRIBLE weather in the mountains to get here, and we were all very thankful that they made it in one piece.

Amiee got in first and was able to spearhead the Decorating of the Gingerbread Mansion ("mansion" was the actual name on the box)

Finished product!

It really was huge.

We did a lot of Hallie snuggling, because if you have a baby at Christmas, isn't it compulsory that she be snuggled at all times?

Hallie was snuggling so nicely with my dad, so I tried to get a picture. This is what they gave me:

Daddy cooperating...Hallie not

Hallie cooperating...Daddy not

There we go.
Incidentally, it was during this visit that my dad noticed that Hallie had torticollis. I immediately went on a FOCUSED mission to help Hallie begin stretching out her compressed neck muscles. I'm happy to say that my obsessive efforts paid off.

Amiee and I (and Mom and Dad by extension) have loved and watched Eloise at Christmastime every year for years (20+?), and Amiee and I have carefully curated "Eloise jammies" for at least a decade at this point. Well. This year, Amiee managed to acquire for the girls an Eloise tree. They loved it, but they are incapable of appreciating it at the same level that I do. I LOVE it.

I made her pose in her Eloise jammies with the pink Eloise tree. How cute is this picture??

Christmas morning snuggles 
(note Brynna's Eloise jammies)

Waiting to go downstairs to open presents! 
(We did our Christmas story reading upstairs first)

Our beloved Mrs. Wendy sent these Minion-loving gals her ornament from Dad's office's ornament exchange.

Lily's true feelings about it.

The Hedwig hat makes her extra sassy.

At some point, Brynn just needed a minute, so she crawled under the coffee table to color for a while.

Enjoying a few of the spoils 
(see: dress and Minnie Mouse)

Some post-present-opening playing

Amiee gave Lily a "cat bed" for all of her stuffies. It was promptly pressed into service.

We enjoyed doing the Tennessee puzzle with Barbara the week before, so I ordered the Alabama one to do with my family.

We worked on it over a few days and TA-DA!

And Mom brought Christmas dresses for everyone, which they were THRILLED about.

It was a very merry Christmas, indeed! The girls were beyond excited about everything and just loved every moment, which made everything so much fun for us all.

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