Friday, July 24, 2020

Around here lately: April and May 2020 edition

Combining April and May again for this round...

Participating with in a Zoom call with our homeschool co-op.

Referring to Brad
Erin: He's a good guy.
Claire: I'm glad you married him.

Neighbor: What's your favorite color?
Claire: Periwinkle!

You've got your mind backwards!
You're crazy!

Reading bedtime stories to her sisters

Erin: Why are you in time out?
Claire: Because I pushed Lily out of my force field.

Brynnie's having the time of her life!

She has become a very industrious little potholder-maker during Safer-at-Home.

Crest : a little boy's fauxhawk

My left hand is the bride.

Barbara to Brad: What's the password for the Zoom call?
Brad: There is no password.
Claire: Oh! Like there's no secret recipe!
Referring to Kung Fu Panda

The girls have developed a very sweet relationship with our neighbor and her dogs over the past few months.

Did you know bacon and popcorn are partners in spitting?
I told her to stand back from the stove because the popcorn was popping and spitting.

Erin: Why are they mad at Gru?
They were watching Despicable Me 3, which I hadn't seen yet.
Claire: I don't know...I don't speak Minion.

I bet that gave them a headache!
Watching the lemmings on Zootopia eat their popsicles really fast.

My faith in God never breaks. We gotta get along until we die!

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Boswell beach trip 2022: part 1

Just another friendly reminder that I'm still playing catch-up. Clearly, it is not currently July... We made another annual trip to Tops...