Monday, July 20, 2020

February 2020: a recap

February was easier than January in the sense that we had started wrapping our minds around a new baby and starting to rearrange our plans and thoughts about the rest of the year. It was harder in that I started my intense pregnancy sickness. I actually started low-key nausea the very next day after taking my pregnancy test...but I started in-earnest sickness about a week after that. My parents, thankfully, already had a February visit planned, and my mom arranged her schedule and flights so that she could stay for about ten days and help, which was incredibly helpful.

School and activities. I had lesson plans ready, and Mom facilitated quite a bit of school work so that we could keep going.

Mom and Dad were here for Valentine's Day, which was also our homeschool co-op community day. They helped the girls get Valentine's made and took them to co-op, which the girls loved. They enjoyed showing Nana and Poppy what they did at school and introduce them to friends. Claire adored her co-op tutor this year and was so excited for Nana and Poppy to meet her.

I could just die this picture is so cute.

Also: in my less-than-stellar physical and mental state, I laid out a tunic of Lily's for Brynna to wear. Didn't realize it until later.

It's never restful or a vacation when grandparents come visit their tiny people, but everyone has a great time and makes really wonderful memories (I'm pretty sure my parents need a serious nap when they get home...).

We met up at a Mexican restaurant after my first doctor's appointment, and we told the girls about the baby.

Here's the video of telling the girls.

I can't remember the timeline for when things happened in February, but sometime while Mom was here, we had a tiny bit of snow for a day! The girls enjoyed it, even if it was minuscule and fleeting.

Before it was actually snowing and was just kind of spitting wet stuff

There's some actual snow!

We've always had the girls do chores, but I've been working on a very set daily schedule over the past year or so. Mom snagged some pictures of my little Cinderellas gettin' it done.

I'm a huge believer in making sure my kids are competent at household skills really early on so that they know how to adult when they move out on their own one day. They don't feel very grateful about it currently...but I fancy myself that they'll thank me one day.

They're never too young in this house.

And now, a monthly round up of Brynn pictures (until I get it together and do a monthly post all of her own. I'm starting to gather her comments and quotables, so be on the lookout!):

She loves her some Brad Boswell.

Brynn is very maternal with dolls. Let's hope that extends to her new baby sister...

She's also a bit of a bag lady.

As a part of this family, you much be a book person. She's towing the line.

She's a hoot. And so much fun.

Here are a couple of things that Brynnie said during February that I happened to jot down really quick:

*puts socks on her feet*
Heeya go, feet!

Tuntin : Trumpkin

Erin: Brynnie, I love you!
Brynn: Bye!

Up baby!
This is what she says when she wants to be picked up. It's a personal favorite of mine. For all time.

Most of my personal memories from February are of my bed. And being sick. Many thanks to Brad and Mom for capturing so many good pictures of the fun that the girls managed to have. And SO MANY THANKS to Mom for her help. I'm so, so grateful!

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